December 05, 2006

Some Zito stories

If the Mets do suceed in signing Barry Zito, we can look forward to such stories as these (provided by Wikipedia):

- He once made it a practice to buy his own autographed baseball cards on eBay; when asked why he bought them at auction for high prices rather than acquiring unsigned cards and signing them himself, Zito replied, "Because they're authenticated."

- Zito carries satin pillows on the road, collects stuffed animals (which he used to travel with), and burns incense to relax.

- Many Oakland fans first became aware of Zito when, early in his career, he dyed his hair blue. He has earned the nicknames "Planet Zito" and "Captain Quirk."

- He is known for his very simple lifestyle, living in a small apartment with no TV or real furniture (he sits on the lawn chairs that were left on the balcony).

- "There's a part of me that wants to go streak and run outside and jump around and go swim in the ocean and do everything. The other part of me wants to bear down and repeat this kind of performance next year and in the years to come." - Barry Zito

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