July 26, 2007

Beltran Not Playing Today

At Rotoworld they write about Carlos Beltran and about his injury:

Carlos Beltran says it will take a "miracle" for him to be in the starting lineup on Thursday.

"When I sneeze or cough I feel soreness in that area," said Beltran, who took anti-inflammatory medication. "Hopefully, in a couple of days, I'll be back." Beltran injured his abs during batting practice on Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

give me a break

when he sneezes or caughs he feels a soreness?!?

Anonymous said...

my eyes hurt, maybe i should not go to work for a couple of days and see if the soreness goes down while the company goes down the drain from my lack of production

what a cry baby!?!

Anonymous said...

maybe he's just being cautious

but it's right in the middle of the season and the braves and phillies are right behind them

now is not the time to go limp on us beltran

baseball dvds said...

I am afraid that this statement is not correct"When I sneeze or cough I feel soreness in that area," said Beltran, who took anti-inflammatory medication.
".I would appreciate if you can further elaborate this.Thank you.
baseball dvds.