July 24, 2007

E-Mail Bag: Second Base

Do you think it’s at all possible for the Mets to get a second baseman of Loretta’s caliber? If it was up to me, I’d go for O-Hud or Loretta in an instant.

Joe via E-mail

A deal could definitely be done for a second baseman of Loretta’s talent. Everyone is looking at the two above mentioned second baseman and forgetting one that over the season I’ve taken a shine to, Aaron Hill.

Hill is hitting .276 to go along with 11 home runs, 56 runs batted in and 3 stolen bases. Also he has a .984 fielding percentage.

Could the Mets pry him away from the Blue Jays? Who’s to say they couldn’t?

I say forget about Orlando Hernandez and Mark Loretta and focus on the young Aaron Hill. If the Mets were forced to give up young prospects for him, fine. At least we’d be getting a young player (25) back in return that they would know can play at the Major League level.


Anonymous said...

I never even knew who aaron hill was until you pointed him out. we should definitly go after him!!!!

Anonymous said...

i'd still rather have the gold glove of o-hud than a semi power hitting second baseman

Anonymous said...

no way...O-Hud is almost 30 if not there by now and Hill is still a young buck learning how to play at the ML level